Group Discounts

Automated Group Discounts

Simply choose the number of courses you need during purchase and your group discount is automatically calculated. Our automated group discounts are the most convenient in the industry.

Easy Multiple Member Management

Every member in your group will login using one account (using the email and password chosen during your purchase). After a student completes a course our automated system will ask for their personal information and will then create their individual provider card.

Easy Member Monitoring

In your account is a list of all the students who have completed the courses and received their provider cards. You can easily access their cards and certificates. You can also easily see when their cards are about to expire.

Current Discount Rates:

Courses Discount
5-9 10%
10-24 20%
25-49 30%
50-99 35%
100 or More 40%

Best Group Discount Rates

You'll notice our group discount rates are based on the number of courses purchased, not on the number of enrolled students. This means that your group discount can quickly add up.
