Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive a PDF of your card instantly. However, a certificate with your "CME credits" will be emailed to you separately in 1-3 business days. A hard copy of your ACLS/BLS/PALS card will be mailed to you in 5-7 business days
Our course has been accredited by the Institute for Medical And Nursing Education for CME credits. These credits can be used for fulfilling state and local CME/CE requirements for maintenance of certification. This is separate from your ACLS/BLS/PALS card. A separate certificate with these credits will be emailed to you. Thus, obtaining for ACLS/BLS/PALS training through us allows you to receive not only certification in those particular areas but also CME/CE credits - a terrific value!
You may retake the exam as many times as you like until you obtain a passing score. Of course the best way to pass the exam and learn the necessary material is to thoroughly review the course manual. Doing so will not only ensure passing the exam, but also proper comprehension of the material so that you may one day be able to save a life!
The occupations needing emergency life support training is only increasing. Currently, all physicians, nurses, physician assistants, medical and nursing students are required to obtain certification in these areas. Additionally, all health care workers such as pharmacists, medical assistants, nursing assistants, etc, have been required to obtain this as well depending on the State.